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If you have something for sale, to trade, or even to give away, list it here.  Anyone can create a new listing, just click the 'Add Post' button.

Rules for posting an ad:
- Postings will be subject to review. Any content deemed inappropriate will be removed.
- Postings will remain online until they expire or the owner removes them.
- Postings expire one month from the posting date or the last update.

Make a list of features. Include appropriate addresses and phone numbers.  Remember, the more interesting and complete your ad is, the better the chance you will sell your stuff.

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  • Thursday, September 14, 2023 16:29 | Deleted user

    4 - SB 2

    1 - SB 3 and galvanized chain

    (I used them for my 25' boat).  


  • Saturday, September 09, 2023 14:46 | Deleted user

    Was used on a 28 ft. Pearson on trips Down East. It's been sitting up in my attic. Should work well on a tiller sailboat 23 to 29 ft. Text Jack 385-215-4251.

  • Thursday, June 08, 2023 10:20 | Anonymous member

    I'm looking for old sails (for a friend) that could be repurposed into fun sun shades and such.  Is anyone looking to sell or unload sails past their useful sailing life span?  Contact Becky at rbagley@cwsarch.com if you do! 

  • Monday, May 15, 2023 08:50 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Jane Sears has a mooring ball, some boat fenders and some life jackets that she would like to give away.   Please contact her at jspensears@gmail.com

  • Sunday, April 23, 2023 15:30 | Anonymous member

    The 26 foot Crownest is for sale. Very clean roomy boat. Two mains and two jibs, 150 & 110 with roller furling. Awlgrip hull. Large dodger. Bottom paint done. 8 horse 4 stroke Honda with new battery.  Per previous owners at CYC very fast boat. Many extas. $5000 or best offer.

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